ISLAND by Siuding, Cheung Chi Wai

ISLAND by Siuding, Cheung Chi Wai


Island by Siuding, Cheung Chi Wai

Photographer Cheung Chi Wai studied abroad in New York in 1999 and was inspired by Asian Cultural Council Hong Kong. In 2015, he started the project "Minim" to provide a space for different artists to work and exchange ideas. "Minim" is an apartment located at Tung Wan on a small island Peng Chau of Hong Kong. Artists Pang Jing and Siuding also started their creative projects together on this island in the same year.

It started with a monthly gathering, where we enjoyed our holiday in the seaside apartment and worked sluggishly at the same time. Body was the main theme of our works. We tried to break the boundaries and to go beyond the regular aesthetics. We focused our energy and let our Muse out. 

48 pages
17 × 23.5 cm 
second edition 219 copies
October 2017
printed in Hong Kong


攝影師張志偉於1999年在紐約交流學習,受香港亞洲文化協會啟發,回港後一直希望成立一個地方讓不同背景的朋友創作交流,遂於2015年創辦「小島靜舍 Minim」。「小島靜舍」位於坪洲東灣,藝術家彭靖和小丁的創作計劃亦於同年在這小島上開始。



48 頁
17 × 23.5 公分 
初版 219本

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