ÓPTICA by Arlene Mejorado and Jessy V. Castillo

ÓPTICA by Arlene Mejorado and Jessy V. Castillo


Óptica, a photo zine that spotlights the work of Black, Indigenous, womxn of color, and gender-non-conforming image-makers informed by a complex personhood and identity.

Óptica is designed to place printed images in the hands of our communities in an accessible and affordable manner. Each edition will bring together both the timely and timeless work of photographers, connecting narratives across geographies and genres. Óptica honors image makers who are redefining photography as a practice and shaping its trajectory. Each contributor of Óptica presents a distinct vantage point and an important visual voice that shifts away from the medium’s historically white patriarchal canon.

Featured Photographers

Amelia Berumen
Andrea Morales
Courtney Desiree Morris
dana washington-queen
Desilu Muñoz
Ebony Bailey
Irene Antonia Diane Reece
Isabel Avila
Julie Leopo
Mariana Werneck
Star Montana
Tahila Mintz

2021 Edition

Published June 2021, softcover. 64 pages.

Printed and bound in Los Angeles, California

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