WATERSHED: The Tennessee River by Jeff Rich

WATERSHED: The Tennessee River by Jeff Rich


Watershed: The Tennessee River examines the complicated environmental effects and consequences of large-scale modernization in the Tennessee River Watershed.This project began on December 22, 2008. The failure of a containment pond dyke spilled 5.4 million cubic yards of coal ash belonging to the Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA) Kingston Fossil Plant into the Emory River and its surrounding landscape. What lead to this point?Jeff investigates the river itself and the TVA's vast reach and power in the region. It has forever changed the environment of its watershed that are in every way at odds with the natural evolution and ecology of the Tennessee River system. 

Photographs by Jeff Rich. Essays by Holly Haworth and Jeff Rich.
Fall Line Press, Atlanta, USA, 2017. In English.
124 pp., 38 color plates, 41 black-and-white plates, 8 color illustrations, 10x12".

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