Shall We Meet? by Van Wong

Shall We Meet? by Van Wong
Shall We Meet? by Van Wong
I want to capture the bodies, as they are the most precious gift from nature. There are no presumption before my shoot. I do not want my pictures to be limited by any thoughts. Sometimes I even close my eyes to shoot, and let my subconscious to finish the works.
The Polaroids in this books contains my journey of intimacy. I was attracted to each and every one of them. They cannot be duplicated. And they are filled with love. Too much love that I cannot resist.
We have been going against the mainstream
Even we are driven away to the brink of the world
There will be a world that needs us
Shall We Meet? was created with paper from the UK and is 100% recycled material with emboring texture.
40 pages
13.5 ×15 cm
completely handmade
limited edition 100 copies
June 2018
printed in Hong Kong
Published by SoftDPress
40 頁
13.5 ×15 公分
限量 100本